martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Bring back the old cassettes dead01: 00 12/02/2010, Gareth Branwyn, music, brand blog

Craig Smith reader sent me an email about this recent review found little time to cassettes used:

I was in my basement of the store when I came across a box of cassette tapes that were the soundtrack of my youth. From the deck of the tape is rarely used was removed from the entertainment center above, I set it up in my shop system. But something was wrong. So many of the tapes and issued sounded flat. It turns out that many of the pills found to keep the tape stuck to the reader head had fallen and disappeared.

The solution: I fumbled to find a big stick, in felt which often come with ready to assemble furniture. After some trial and error, I cut a rectangle about 3 mm by 4 mm. Peel the adhesive paper, I put it in place with a pair of tweezers. From my tweezers are magnetized somehow, I did it with clear plastic leader broke at the end of the tape. The sound is as good as I remember. Time will tell if the adhesive surface is maintained, or whether it requires a bit of glue. VIVA LA 1980!

More information:

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