martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Back to 1986 without a hot Tub19: 03 21/03/2010, Jeffrey M. Anderson, 1986, aliens, bluevelvet blue velvet of the moment, hot tub time machine, hottub

Back to 1986 without a hot Tub19: 03 21/03/2010, Jeffrey M. Anderson, 1986, aliens, bluevelvet blue velvet of the moment, hot tub time machine, hottubtimemachine, Cinematical

Hot Tub Time Machine will open next week. I have not seen it yet, but I know that most of the film takes place in 1986 in a time before Blu-ray, DVD or laser disc. It was a magical invention called time VHS was at its height, and saw many classics of the day in that format. Living in a small town, I had the opportunity to see great films on the big screen (or a sort of screen size), but there are many other specialties to be seen at home. I thought it would be fun to have a fast time machine back to VCR mode for a list of my ten favorite movies then.

Seen on the big screen

There can be no Avatar but I loved loved frantic sequel by James Cameron, who had the greatest and simplest idea of all: instead of a foreigner, why not a lot of them? It was also the smartest thing he wrote, full of images of the feminist mother who was worthy of study. The longer cut was even better.

The Fly
The best bragging rights of the Year: I saw this without vomiting. Who knew it was David Cronenberg first step to becoming a true artist?
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